Brit James Teagle, ktorý bol na treťom mieste zrazu zamieril opačným smerom a skončil mimo trate. Stratil tak drahocenný čas a Diego ho predbehol. Pred cieľom však Španiel na veľké prekvapenie počkal a pustil Teaglea pred seba.
"Bol celý čas predo mnou, zaslúžil si to," povedal po finiši športovec, ktorý si zase určite zaslúži ocenenie za fair-play.
When Spanish triathlete Diego Méntriga noticed that British triathlete James Teagle went the wrong way before finish line of Santander Triathlon,Mentriga waited for him so he could take what he says is his deserved 3rd place.“He was in front of me the whole time.He deserved it.”
— GoodNewsCorrespondent (@GoodNewsCorres1) September 19, 2020