Až keď si pozrel video z bezpečnostnej kamery, uvedomil si, čo sa presne odohralo. "V skutočnosti to bol húf včiel, ktoré ho bodali. Myslím, že to bola jeho sestra, ktorá do nich šliapla a tak trochu ich prebudila a rozbúrila a on potom prešiel priamo cez ne," povedal otec. Ross, našťastie, nemal žiadne alergické reakcie na bodnutie a dobre sa zotavil. V prípade, ak by alergickú reakciu na bodnutie hmyzom mal, mohlo to dopadnúť oveľa horšie.
@rental.cashflow This was a pretty hard one to post. We were working on one of our Airbnbs, and the kids were playing outside. I heard him screaming and looked out the window to see him getting attacked by a swarm of bees. Thanking God that there was no allergic reaction, but still pretty hard to see him go through as a parent. Have you ever experienced something like this? #groundbees #beeattack #beesting #swarmofbees ♬ original sound - Matt Krueger | Rental Cashflow