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05.08.2017 19:55 | Správy | Zahraničné správy

Dokonalé fotky z Instagramu sú len klamstvo: Mladá blogerka odhalila, čo sa za nimi skrýva!

Instagram je plný dokonalých fotiek, ktorým by ste nemali vždy veriť. Mladá fitness blogerka ukazuje, čo sa za nimi naozaj skrýva.

Dvadsaťročná Sara Puhto je hviezda sociálnych sietí vďaka zdravej strave a cvičeniu. Narozdiel od väčšiny ľudí sa mladá blogerka rozhodla ukázať na internete pravdu miesto dokonalého klamstva. 

Booty pop 🍑🌿 I was scrolling through my old photos and came across these photos where I was trying to take one of those sandy bum pics 😬 I posted the right one back in January, but the left is the reality behind that photo ☺️ I still sometimes get a slight pang of sadness and jealousy when I see all the big beautiful bums on instagram and wish I could magically have what they have. Because sometimes I feel like all my booty gains are gone when I take photos where it looks smaller, but then I remember that I shouldn't compare my body to theirs. I have a great booty and so do they! It's all about posing/angles and nobody looks like that all the time. There's nothing wrong with posting a good photo of your booty, you should post it if you feel like it! Just remember that when you're scrolling through social media and see all the posed bums that you too have a great bum and that nobody looks like that 24/7 ☺️ It seems like big butts are the thing that so many people want currently. But remember that you don't need a big booty to be beautiful. All butts are good butts ☺️ All of our bodies are different and you don't need a specific body type to fit into what society defines as beautiful!! It's stressful and so messed up that body parts and types are going in and out of style- before it was being really thin, now it's having a big booty. That shouldn't be a thing. It causes so much stress and self hate to people who do not have these things. I know it's hard but instead of trying to obtain these things, love how you look now. Not how you'll look if you loose X amount of weight or get a bigger booty. Because trust me when you get to those things you'll just want something more. Be comfortable in your own skin no matter what angle, posed or unposed, and you'll radiate beauty! 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #bopowarrior #bootypop #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bootyfordays #bootybuilding #instagramvsreallife #beforeafter #selfconfidence #youareyou #dontchange #acceptyourself #bodypositive #lawofattraction #everyoneisbeautiful #selflove #bepresent #findyourself #dontcare #cellulite #effyourbeautystandards

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Sara chce ukázať svetu, že netreba veriť všetkému, čo je na internete. Blogerka zdieľa dvojice fotografií, na ktorých vidieť poriadne veľký rozdiel v jej postave, píše Daily Mail. 

Instagram vs real life 💁🏼🌿 If I saw the photo on the left a year ago I would've instantly thought so negatively about my body, that all my hard work from working out was non existent, that if someone looked at me they would've never thought I've been working out for 2 years and think I wasn't trying hard enough. But the thing is is that all bodies look different. Nobody's booty looks round and peachy from all angles. Nobody's body looks the same from all angles. Don't eat less or miss out on your favorite meals/drinks or over exercise to "look good for a holiday" or to "look good in bikini photos" because there will always be angles that are "unflattering" that might make you feel bad when you see them. Instead workout and eat healthy because it makes you feel good, not as a punishment. Start loving and accepting your body at all angles with all your "flaws", instead of trying to fit into societies image of 'beauty' because that image isn't inclusive of all individuals, which is so messed up. Don't hate yourself just because of bad photos, they do not define you as a person. You look the best when you're living life to the fullest and happiest. There's no point in missing out on things and stressing yourself out so much. Life isn't meant to be a competition on who can look the best and we should normalize not having to "look perfect" all the time because it's a ridiculous concept. You are perfect the way you are 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #instagramvsreallife #beforeandafter #lawofattraction #bodypositive #bekindtoyourself #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #veganbooty #youareenough #progressnotperfection #bodyimage #vegansofig #girlswhoworkout #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #loa #fitnessjourney #bopo #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence #effyourbeautystandards #bepresent #justbe #moderation #balanceddiet #staypositive #thinkpositive

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Tajomstvo dokonalej fotografie sa podľa mladej ženy skrýva za uhľom pohľadu. "Nikto nie je krásny, zo všetkých strán," napísala Sara. 

Sucking in vs relaxed ☺️🌿 These photos were taken a minute apart, on the left I'm sucking in my tummy and on the right I'm relaxing it. This is to show you guys that I can appear to be lean but in reality when I relax my tummy, it ain't as lean as it seems 😬 I used to obsess about being lean and losing fat. Currently I'm not the leanest I've been weight wise, I'm actually the heaviest I've been in a year, and that's completely okay because I'm also the strongest I've ever been. Both physically and mentally. I now use double the amount of weights than I did before when I was at my leanest weight. I can't describe how happy, strong and confident I feel now! It no longer bothers me that I have fat on my body because I know that it's a completely normal thing to have. Our bodies are constantly changing, every day, every hour. So don't let a bad body image day get you down and make you think you need to crash diet or exercise excessively because that'll just wear you out. Instead look at your body and know that whatever you're looking at is perfectly fine! It's what makes you, you. We are all different, we shouldn't have to conform to one "ideal" body type. Diversity is beautiful, being unique is beautiful! So love yourself and do what makes you feel happy! Feel confident with your body, whether it's flexed or when it's relaxed. No amount of fat loss or muscle gain will make you happy if you're not comfortable with who you are first. Just know that you are amazing and beautiful no matter what. So look in the mirror at some point today and tell yourself you're beautiful af and can accomplish anything this week throws at you! 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #lawofattraction #bodypositivity #mondaymotivation #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #dowhatyouwant #progressnotperfection #beforeandafter #bodyimage #flexing #bikinibody #vegan #vegansofig #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #weightlifting #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #loa #fitnessmotivation #honesty #screwthescale #weightlossjourney #beyou #beconfident #selfconfidence #embraceyourself

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sara Puhto (@saggysara),


Blogerka chce naučiť svojich fanúšikov, aby milovali svoje telo, také aké je. "Krása začína v láske k sebe samému, nie v perfektných fotkách." 

Standing up flexing vs sitting down relaxed 😁🌿 I've worked out for a year and a half now, yes I still have body fat and I will always have some sort of amount of body fat. That to me is completely okay and I see nothing wrong with it because I'm comfortable with how I look in both of these pictures! I'm so happy with the way I'm eating and working out now and I don't want to change that to lose a bit of fat. A year ago I would've hated the photo on the right and done hours of cardio and starvation diets thinking that's the way to get rid of fat and that the fat would be non existent after a year of working out. I'm not trying to shame anyone when I say this, but I thought this because I didn't see any fitness people ever show their fat while sitting down. Yes I've seen posts about being bloated and pinching a tiny amount of fat on their bodies but I couldn't relate to that and it used to make me feel ashamed for still having so much fat on my body compared to theirs. So I wanted to post this comparison of how I look flexed and standing vs sitting down and relaxed to show that I still have fat on my body and it's completely normal to have fat, especially on your tummy area!! Also we need to stop comparing our bodies to people we see in media or real life- yes they are beautiful but you are just as beautiful as them, even if it's in a different way. Your uniqueness makes you, you, so don't try and change that. Who wants to live in a world where everyone looks the same? Just love yourself for who you are and next time you feel insecure sitting down when in a bikini, DON'T because you look fabulous!!! I hope you all have an amazing Sunday 🌴☀️

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

"Väčšinou sa odfotím aj stokrát a potom vyberiem len jednu snímku, ktorú zverejním." Dodala, že ľudia nemôžu posudzovať svoje každodenné fotografie s tými na Instagrame a nemali by im ani veriť. 

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