Darekov otec prehral boj s rakovinou. Mladý futbalista nepovedal nikomu z tímu ani slovo a nastúpil. V 81. minúte dokonca vsietil Rio Grande Valley výstavný gól, ktorý mal navyše prívlastok víťazný.
No potom to už nevydržal a v slzách sa porúčal k zemi. Okolo neho sa zhŕkli tešiaci sa spoluhráči. Až vtedy Formella jednému z nich povedal, čo sa stalo a úsmev sa okamžite vytratil.
Three hours before kick-off, @darekformella9 learned his father had lost his battle with cancer. He didn’t tell his @SacRepublicFC team-mates, and played in the game.
He scored the winner in the 81st minute. His reaction says it all. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/axqatpBIhZ— B/R Football (@brfootball) 20. septembra 2019