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05.12.2019 11:03 | TOP Čas

Sara zbavuje mladé ženy komplexov z postavy: Baby, tieto fotky vám otvoria oči

Nik nie je dokonalý! Ľudia nie sú takí šťastní, krásni a 100-percentní, ako ich vidíte na sociálnych sieťach.

Stačí dobrý uhol, stiahnuté brucho, dobré svetlo a je z vás hviezda žiariaca na dokonalej fotografii.

Sara Puhto (23) z Fínska vyvracia tento mýtus dokonalej fotky, ktoré sa tak často objavujú na Instagrame a iných sociálnych sieťach. Prostredníctvom svojho účtu zverejňuje bezchybné zábery a tie reálne, aby jej fanúšikovia mohli vidieť ten obrovský rozdiel. Dokazuje tak, že všetko je len póza a skutočnosť je takmer vždy úplne iná.

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There’s always certain parts and types of bodies that are idealised and put on a pedestal which makes us dislike certain aspects of ourselves. In photos I constantly suck in my tummy or try and hide it and stick out my booty as much as possible. But why? We’re constantly flooded with photos of “perfection” on social media and see advertisements about ways to change your body to fit a certain idealised body trend. We constantly work on changing our bodies, but why don’t we focus more on changing the way we look at our bodies. Don’t focus on negativity, focus on accepting and loving what you dislike about yourself. You have this body and it allows you to live life. Look at yourself and realise that this is who you are, you are unique, incredible and capable of loving all your quirks. Most of the time we’re harsher on ourselves and our bodies more than anybody else’s. It's hard to remind ourselves that things like tummy rolls, weight gain and bloating are normal things to have and happen to your body. Ignore those thoughts that you have to be or look a certain way. You don’t have to workout like crazy and eat clean in order to wear a bikini on your next holiday to look good in photos, you don’t have to stress about going on a diet to wear certain clothing. Focus that energy on realising that you already are and have what you are trying to achieve because you and your body are already capable of these things, we just have to strip the idea that you have to change your body to achieve these things. We should all allow ourselves to experience life to the fullest without the fear of judgement about our bodies, by ourselves or by others. 🌿 ——————————————————— . . . Picture credit: @ritapuhtophotography . . #mentalhealthawareness #effyourbeautystandards #lovewhoyouare #beconfident #flawsandall #bodypositive #nobodyshame

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Sara začala porovnávajúce fotky robiť už v roku 2018, majú obrovský úspech, bežne ich zdobia desaťtisíce lajkov. „Neustále sme zaplavení fotografiami „dokonalosti“ na sociálnych sieťach a sledujeme reklamy o spôsoboch, ako zmeniť naše telo tak, aby vyhovovalo určitému zidealizovanému trendu," hovorí Sara, ktorá svojich 318-tisíc fanúšikov vyzýva, aby namiesto snahy o dokonalosť prijali svoje telo také, aké je a naučili sa s ním žiť.

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Arm fat 🌿 Ive noticed a lot of people pose in ways to make their arms look smaller and get highly insecure when their arms look bigger than normal. Due to weight gain, I’ve been highly aware of how I pose my arms in photos to make them look smaller. I would call myself fat and tell myself I look gross whenever they did look big in photos. But we have to remember that arms have fat and muscle on them and will look different in different postures and poses. Don’t view one as negative and the other as positive. Allow yourself to realise that other people don’t see us how we see ourselves. They don’t see the negative thoughts and insecurities we have. We don’t see theirs. We are over critical of ourselves and let that negative voice in our heads make us feel ugly. It’s possible to ignore that voice and avoid constantly looking at yourself negatively. Become aware of how lovely you are as a person. How amazing you truly are and that these things you pick apart are not as bad as you make them out to be. Realise that these things are actually completely normal and human. You are great the way you are and that negative voice can’t tell you otherwise. Don’t obsess too much over these things and miss out on all the amazing things in life that are right in front of you. 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #effyourbeautystandards #lovewhoyouare #beconfident #iambeautiful #flawsandall #bodypositive #nobodyshame #embracethesquish

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Instagram isn’t reality 🌿 It’s really frustrating when you’re having a bad body image day and you take photos of yourself and can only focus on the bad photos and all the “flaws” you see in them. It’s difficult to get out of a bad body image rut. Especially when we compare our everyday bodies to posed and seemingly flawless photos on social media. Its hard to control our thoughts and lately I’ve been thinking things like “you shouldn’t be eating that. You looked better before. You should work out more”. These thoughts aren’t productive. Stop bullying yourself into thinking you aren’t allowed to enjoy life. Nobody is flawless and everyone has “bad photos” we just choose what and what not to share on social media in order to put out a good image of ourselves. You are beautiful the way you are, including the “bad” photos because they’re still you and you’re amazing. Don’t obsess too much over these things and miss out on all the amazing things in life that are right in front of you. 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #candidphoto #instagramvsreality #mybody #flatstomach #loveyourbody #selfesteem #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique

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Instagram booty 🌿 Theres such a huge obsession with having a big booty and getting the perfect insta pic nowadays. All these Instagram photos of perfect bums used to make me insecure about mine and felt like I needed to gym like crazy to have one as well. But with majority of these photos it all comes down to posing. I had to sit in the most uncomfortable and unnatural position to get the left photo. Let’s not even get started on the pain of this bikini wedgie. I remember going to the beach and stressing about not looking good in photos or seeing a bad photo and thinking “omg this is the worst thing. I shouldn’t be in a bikini.” But don’t let small things like this get to you. Getting a good insta picture and likes don’t dictate your worth. Getting a specific body type won’t suddenly make you happy. You’ll always find a reason to be unhappy unless you work on appreciating yourself and the body you have now first. You have to realise that you are a person with insecurities like everyone else. Your body is incredible the way it is and we really are our own worst critics. So don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t change your body. Change the way you look at your body. This is a thing I also have to work on. 🌴☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #loveyourbody #selfesteem #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique #flaws #insecurities

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Bad body image days 🌿 Lately I’ve been having bad body image days. Everyone has days where they look at themselves and just see the negatives. I was struggling to get a good “Instagram” photo because I’m not as lean as I used to be. But I realised that even though I’ve been struggling to have the same positive viewpoint of my body that I’ve had majority of the time, there will always be ups and downs and you can’t possibly expect yourself to be completely content with what you see everyday 24/7. So here’s a reminder that it’s normal for your tummy fat to bunch up. It’s completely normal to gain weight and have difficulty accepting it because of the obsession society has with weight loss and being fit. But we shouldn’t have to stress about looking as lean as possible. Or stressing about normal things like tummy fat bunching up. We should be able to love and accept the body we have whether it’s like the left or right photo. You don’t need to constantly suck your tummy in and sit uncomfortably in order to look smaller. We need to realise that having bad body days is okay, as long as you acknowledge that it’s a bad day and those negative thoughts aren’t a true reflection of yourself. Your body is amazing no matter how it looks because it allows you to live and experience life 🌴☀️ ----------------------------------------- . . . #instagramvsreality #changethewayyouthink #focusonyourself #bodygoals #idealbody #powerofpositivity

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Proud of my body 🌿 You know that tummy pouch/bump that bloats whenever you eat or when you have your period or just exists on you that you never seem to see on people on Instagram? That’s one of the reasons I avoided wearing dresses. I worried that I looked pregnant and hated the way dresses accentuated this bump. I’ve heard other people complain about this too. But we should realise and accept the fact that people have these things and that it’s absolutely normal and does not need to be stressed about. No one has a flat tummy all the time and all year round. Yet nobody realises this because it’s not talked about or shown on social media as much as flat tummies are flaunted and glorified. Also we stress so much about how we look but nobody actually pays as much attention to the way you look as you think. We’re hyper aware of every little thing on our bodies because we see ourselves every day. So learn to accept and appreciate your body for the normal things it does. Our bodies look different every day, don’t worry about how you look in a skirt or dress because of a bump that majority of people have. Wear what you want cause you’ll look amazing in it no matter what!! ----------------------------------------- . . . #bloating #selfconfidenceiskey #learningtolovemyself #iamworthit #bekindtoyourself #changeyourthoughts

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Instagram vs reality 🌿 Society has put this idea in our minds that abs and having a flat tummy is the end goal, that that’s what perfection and beauty looks like and what we should strive for. I thought if I have abs I’ll never have tummy fat. They don’t tell you that having tummy fat is normal and that it’ll always be there. They tell you to get rid of it and be insecure about it. Nobody ever teaches you to love and accept it. Everyone has tummy fat and it’s completely normal, you don’t have to stress out about it. Next time you feel your tummy against your thighs or bunching over your jeans, instead of hating your body and thinking you need to lose it in order to feel better, realize that it’s completely normal and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t change your worth, intelligence, competence or personality. You are amazing the way you are and don’t need to constantly put so much pressure on yourself to look a certain way that has been idealized into your mind. You are worthy and good enough just the way you are. 🌴☀️ ----------------------------------------- . . . #instagramvsreality #tummyfat #selflove #loveyourbody #spreadlove #lifelessons #stopcomparing #youaregoodenough

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